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  3. Require a Signature for a Customer

Require a Signature for a Customer

This FAQ will go over how to require a signature for a customer in Paradigm.

Customer Detail

In customer detail there is the option to require a signature for a customer. This will only allow invoices to be posted when there is a either signature, or the signature name field is filled in. Do note that this warning is ignored during batch posting, or posting from the invoice list. More information on collecting signatures can be found here: Collecting Customer Signatures.

To require a signature, go to the customer’s detail tab and check the “Warn user when posting an invoice without a signature” box.

Now if that customer is selected on an invoice and the user attempts to post the invoice without a signature, they will get this warning: Missing Signature – This invoice does not have a signature, are you sure you want to post without one?

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