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Purchase Order and Vendors
Voucher Lot Receive Import
This FAQ will go over the lot receiving import on purchase invoices, to import received quantities and costs. More information...
Special Order Purchasing
This FAQ will go over the special order purchasing screen in Paradigm. Special Order Purchasing The special order purchasing screen...
Debit Memos
This FAQ will go over how to create debit memos, which are used when returning items to a vendor. Returned...
Pay Bills Multi-Vendor
This FAQ will go over the Pay Bills Multi-Vendor screen in Paradigm. Pay Bills Multi-Vendor The Pay Bills Multi-Vendor screen...
Vendor Preferred Payment Methods
This FAQ will go over how to set up the preferred payment method on a vendor. Preferred Payment Method To...
Create Purchase Orders by Default
This FAQ will go over how to set up items to create purchase orders by default. Create PO’s By Default...
How to Deposit a Check or Reimbursement from a Vendor
This FAQ will go over how record a deposit if a vendor has sent a reimbursement check or a refund....
Purchasing Agent and Reorder Points
Reorder points, quantities, and users can be defined for each stocked item in Paradigm to allow for faster reordering using...
Voucher Receive Import
This FAQ will go over how to import a file to import purchasing invoice received quantities and costs. More information...
Vendor Prepayments
Vendor prepayments are a way to record a deposit given to a vendor prior to receiving product from them. The...