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  3. Column Names for Inventory

Column Names for Inventory

I am wanting to import inventory, but do not know the column name to which my data corresponds.

Here is a list of commonly modified information on inventory items and the column name that Paradigm uses to store that information. The Product ID is a required field. See also: Unit of Measure fieldsWarehouse fieldsPricing fields.

FieldStored Column Name
Additional InfostrAdditionalInfo
Custom Assembly Check boxysnAssembly
Assembly TypeintAssemblyType
Color SetstrColorSetID
Current CostcurCurrentCost
Expense AccountstrCOGSAccountID
Inventory AccountstrInventoryAccountID
Item ClassstrItemClass
Manufacturer NumberstrManufactureNumber
Percent MarkupdecPricingPercent
Pricing MethodstrPricing
Purchase DescriptionmemPurchaseDescription
Purchase Unit of MeasurestrPurchaseUnitMeasure
Sales AccountstrSalesAccountID
Sales DescriptionmemDescription
Sales PricecurSalesPrice
Sales Unit of MeasurestrUnitMeasure
Standard CostcurCost
Standard Cost 2curCost2
Sub-Category IDintSubCategoryID
Vendor IDstrVendorID
Vendor NumberstrVendorNumber
Vendor SitestrSiteName

To import into certain fields, you must first add any new entries into another table in Paradigm. These fields are: strCategory, strColor, strColorSetID, strItemClass, strPurchaseUnitMeasure, strUnitMeasure, strSubCategory, and all of the GL Account and Vendor fields.

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