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Inventory Pricing Columns

I am wanting to import Inventory Pricing information, but do not know the column name to which my data corresponds.

Here is a list of field names from the Inventory Pricing table into which you are able to import. All of the fields except Notes and Sales Price are required. NOTE: Some fields not specified below will show up in certain dropdowns–these are fields from the Inventory table and are not actually stored in the Warehouse table. See also: Inventory fieldsUnit of Measure fieldsWarehouse fields.

FieldStored Column Name
Product IDstrProductID
Unit MeasurestrUnitMeasure
Unit Measure QuantitydecUnitMeasureQty
Minimum QuantitydecMinQuantity
Maximum QuantitydecMaxQuantity
Pricing MethodstrPricing
Sales PricecurSalesPrice
Rounding LeveldblRoundingLevel

To import into certain fields, you must first add any new entries into another table in Paradigm. These fields are: strUnitMeasure and decUnitMeasureQty.

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