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Capture Coil

This FAQ will go over how to enable and use the capture coil feature. This tracking is used for warranty purposes.

Note that this is not lot tracking. Information on lot tracking can be found here: Lot-Based Inventory (Track Coil Inventory By Coil ID)

Enabling Capture Coil

To enable capture coil, go to Production > Machine List and check the box on “Capture Coil” column on that machines that are going to need it.

Using Capture Coil

After that is enabled, when a build is completed at that machine it will prompt for the coil numbers used. If multiple numbers are used, then separate them by a comma. (i.e. 123,456,789)

Viewing Coil Numbers

The information for the coil numbers entered can be viewed on the “Coil History” list. More information on that can be found here: Production: Coil History

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