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How to Create Model Attachments

This first use for this feature allows for the creation of multiple commonly-used trim profiles that are not stocked to save time spent by an employee in entering an order. This is used for custom trim pieces only. Another use case is applying a drawing for standard trims. One drawing can be created and used by the same type of standard trims. These drawings can then be setup to print on reports, but will not show up when entering them onto orders.

Using Custom Trim Model Attachments

Once created, the drawing will show up in the attachments pop-up for an order or quote detail line anytime a custom trim is added with that model. They can be viewed by clicking the paper clip icon.

This will bring up a list of attachments for that item. Click the arrow to use that model, or click the pencil icon to edit it. This list will also include any favorited trim drawings for that customer.

Another place list of drawings can be found by opening the item and going to the detail tab. Then, select the gear icon beside the model number drop down and just click the paper click icon at the top.

Creating Model Attachments

To make the drawing show up in the attachment list in Paradigm for that model of trim, start by assigning the desired trims to a model in the item’s detail tab.

  • These items should be set up the same way as a special trim item, as they will be getting their information from a trim drawing; but can have a more specific product ID so it is intuitive to find.
Creating Trim Models
  • After creating models and assigning products to that model, go to System > Company Preferences > Trim Drawing Admin and log in as the administrator or a user who has been assigned as a drawing admin.
  • Then draw the profile, and when you are finished click ‘Save’ in order to save it to Paradigm.

Next, give it a name so that the drawings are unique in Paradigm–this is the name that the salesperson will see when selecting the trim, so be descriptive. Select the ‘Model Drawing’ check box and enter the model number of the drawing (otherwise it will just show up in the standard trims list).

Next, click ‘Save New.’ The drawing will now be available for that model in order entry.

Editing Existing Model Drawings
  • To edit a previously saved model drawing, click the ‘View Saved Trims’ button to access the currently available drawings.
  • In the pop-up, click on the Model Drawings tab to view the models, then locate the drawing to be edited and click on the ‘Edit’ button beside it.
  • Once the desired changes have been made, click ‘Save’ above the drawing, bringing up the ‘Save Favorite’ box.
  • Clicking ‘Overwrite’ will save the changes to the old drawing. ‘Save New’ should be used to create a second and new version of the drawing while keeping the old one unmodified.
  • When ‘Sav[ing] New’, be sure to give the new drawing a distinct and descriptive name to distinguish it from the original.

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