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Configuring A Product For Export to Variobend

This FAQ will go over how to set up a product for export to Variobend. Note: When setting up a product for export it must match the data in Variobend exactly, even the capitalization.

Export Modes

The following export modes are available. If the export mode needs to be changed, please contact Paragon support.

  • Locked Order – Exports orders when they are locked, regardless of the Build’s production date. This export mode is set up by default.
  • Production Date – Exports orders based on production date and locks the lines when they are exported.
  • Mark For Export – Exports orders when the Export button is clicked on the Production screen.


Variobend needs the material and the thickness to correctly bend different materials. These are stored as inventory attributes on the coil items in Paradigm and can be imported by Paragon if needed.

  1. VariobendThickness – The thickness of the coil in mm.
    • Min and max thicknesses are set under Settings > Variobend Settings > General settings “Material Thickness” sections
  2. VariobendMaterial – The name of the material that corresponds to the Variobend material (case sensitive).
    • Materials can be set up under the “Material Database” in Variobend settings.
    • Note: If there are issues with “Steel”, try using “mat_steel”. This is a special case because it is “Standard material”.
  3. Color – If a Color is assigned to the Paradigm Coil item, it will be sent to Variobend.

Machine Settings

  • Check the “Export to SC” box.
  • If the “Production Date” export mode is being used, set an export date.
    • Data will only be exported if the date is today or before the set export date. This can be used to set the export date out a couple of days to export in advance.

Item Export Set Up

Assembly Tab
  • Assembly Type must be set to “Manufactured to Order”.
    • For special trims, the “Custom Assembly” checkbox needs to be checked.
  • Set the Paradigm Component to the Variobend material.
Production Tab
  • Set the Machine Name to the Variobend Machine Name
  • Set the linked component on the rollformer Production step to the coil.
  • Set the Warehouse ID to the Variobend Location Name

Special Trim

For special trims to export, the steps in the previous sections need to be completed. Once those are done, special trims should export to Variobend.

Standard Trim

For standard trims to export, the steps in the previous sections must be completed, along with the steps below.

Standard Drawings
  • Set up drawings for the standard trims in Variobend. Once the drawings are set up, provide Paragon with the folder name they are located in.
  • Make sure the source in the top right corner of Variobend is the SERVER, not the FOLDER. Standard drawings must be in the SERVER for them to be used by the integration.
  • Set “Model No.” to the Variobend drawing name.
Export Detail

When Paradigm exports Standard Trim Jobs to VarioDesk, profiles are selected as follows: (runs until valid profile is found)

  1. Checks for VariobendProfileID Inventory attribute on the Item
    • VariobendProfileID is an internal value referencing a profile in VarioDesk. The export process auto sets this value when a matching profile is found
  2. Checks for VariobendProfileID Inventory attribute on Item(s) of the same model.
  3. Checks for Variobend profile in the VarioDesk Server folders specified by the profile folder setting that have the same profile name as the Paradigm Item Model Number.
  4. Checks for Model Trim profile setup from Paradigm Trim Draw. If found, this drawing is sent to the Model Trims folder in VarioDesk.
  5. If no profile is found, a Task is created to warn the user that a profile must be created.
  6. Notes:
    1. Once a model trim is sent to Variobend, it is linked via the VarioBendProfileID attribute and used until it the attribute is deleted. If there are changes made to the profile in VarioDesk, the changes will be reflected in future exports.
    2. If there is a profile in VarioDesk with a name that matches a Paradigm Model Number, but it is not in one of the folders specified in PROFILEFOLDERS, it will be ignored.

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