Jadon L Martin

Jadon L Martin

Address List

This FAQ will go over the Address List in Paradigm. This can be used to add notes to specific addresses or blacklist them. Address List The address list can be found by going to Dispatching > Address List. This will…

Paying Sales Tax

This FAQ will go over how to record sales tax being paid in Paradigm. There is also a training video on how to do this, which can be found by going to Help > Training Videos > Accounting > Accounting…

Transaction List Summary Columns

This FAQ will go over transaction list summary columns in Paradigm. Information on how to view attributes in a list can be found here: Viewing Attributes on A List Total Weight This column shows the total weight on the transaction.…

Edit Production Dates

This FAQ will go over the Edit Production Dates button on orders and manufacture orders. Edit Production Dates – Order Screen The “Edit Production Dates” button on orders and manufacture orders can be used before release. From here, the production…

Paradigm Update Blocked

This FAQ will go over one of the reasons that the Paradigm update may be failing. More information on updating Paradigm can be found here: Update/Install Paradigm Windows Defender When Windows Defender blocks the Paradigm updater, a message will appear:…

Clear Locks

This FAQ will go over how to use the “Clear Locks” form in Paradigm. Clear Locks – Header Clear Locks – Detail Line Clear Locks – Build Detail This form can be opened by clicking the folder icon on the…

Lock/Unlock Prices

This FAQ will go over how to lock/unlock prices in Paradigm. Lock/Unlock Prices The lock prices button can be to lock all of the prices in the order. This will prevent the “Update Prices” button from effecting the prices. Unlocking…