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DataHub: Pending Purchases

This FAQ will go over the “Pending Purchases” form in DataHub. This is used to import a vendor order that was transferred using DataHub.

To start, go to DataHub > Pending Purchases

Choose a filter and a date range. The “Pending Transactions” filter shows only transactions that have come in and haven’t been imported yet. Once imported, it will move to the “Recently Closed” list. If an order needs to be “reimported”, it can be imported again from the “Recently Closed List”.

Click the dropdown on the order number to preview the items on an order and to see the products that are linked to those items.

Select the invoices that are to be imported and click “Import As PO” or “Import as PI”. “Import As PO” will create a purchase order and “Import as PI” will create a purchase invoice.

When importing an invoice and items on the invoice are not mapped to an item in Paradigm, the inventory item mapper will appear.

Map the items by selecting them from the drop down. If “Auto-fill Related Products” is checked when entering product mappings, all entries found with the same source product key will be auto-filled. To import the item as a miscellaneous product, check the box on the line. Once they are all mapped, click “Import Transactions”.

Once the invoices are imported, the PO or PI created for them will open in Paradigm.

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