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New Features and Improvements for P10

Keyboard Shortcuts

Use the Ctrl + 1 key combination to bring up the “Quick Add” form. After this form opens, press the key which corresponds to the underlined letter of the item you are wishing to create. For instance, to create an new order, press the “O” key.

Highlighting text such as an order number and pressing Ctrl + G, will trigger a search for that item and any related items. Pressing Ctrl + G while no text is highlighted will simply open the search form.

Pressing ALT + [ will open the Scan to Complete production feature.

Report List

The report list and preview has been improved, learn more about that from these FAQs: Report List, Report Preview, Report Security

Adding and Removing Columns from Lists

Use the new “Column Chooser” button at the bottom of list screens to quickly add and remove columns.

The “Column Chooser” can also be accessed by right clicking on a column header.

Rearrange Columns

Columns in a list can now be rearranged by simply clicking and dragging the column header into its new position.

Resize Columns

Easily resize columns in P10 by hovering your cursor over the border between columns.

Pressing CTRL+F on most forms allows a user to search for specified text.

“Right Click” List Actions

Several actions for items in lists are now available by right clicking on the item in the list. 

– Quotes
 – Orders
   – Invoices
   – Purchase Orders
   – Purchase Invoices
Select Multiple Items in a List

Holding CTRL while on a list, allows the selection of multiple lines by simply clicking on the desired lines. Several “Right click” actions are available to be performed for these selected lines.

“Drag and Drop” File Attachments
List Screens

Add an attachment by dragging and dropping it into a list screen. The file will automatically be attached to all of the items that are selected.

Individual Transactions

Rather than clicking the “Attach” button, attachments can be added to an open transaction by simply dragging and dropping into Paradigm.

Open All

Holding CTRL while clicking “Open All” will open each item in the list in its own separate tab.

Open Multiple List Screens

List screens can now be opened multiple times by holding CTRL when clicking on the icon to open a given list.

Quick Convert

Hold the CTRL key while converting a quote in order to bypass the line selection screen and automatically convert the entire quote.

New “Invoice and Pay” Option on Orders

Converting an order to an invoice and receiving a payment on it, can now be done all in one step by selecting “Invoice and Payment” from the convert drop-down.

Improved Date Fields

Date fields in P10 allow a user to enter dates in most formats. (1/1/21, 1-1-21, 01012021, etc…)

Email Form Improvements

Improvements to the email form, now allow for the formatting of emails. Also new for the email form, is the ability to search for email addresses from the address bar.

Free-Floating Windows

Tabs that are open in P10 can now be dragged out of the main P10 screen and onto a secondary display.

Open Multiple Transactions

It is also now possible to open more than one transaction of the same type, at the same time.

Line Item Options

While using line item selection, right click on one of the selected items to get a drop-down menu of options for those lines, including duplication and deletion. P9 keyboard shortcuts will continue to work in P10 as well. See: Record Selector Shortcuts

Quick Tab

Pressing CTRL+TAB tab allows a user to cycle through a list of open tabs in P10.

A new printing option has been added to list screens, which allows a user to generate reports as multiple separate PDF files (One per list item {order, invoice, customer, etc…}) rather than producing a single, combined PDF file. The PDF files are saved to C:\Users\%username%\Documents\Paradigm.

Tab Options

Right clicking on an open tab, gives a user options for actions to take with regards to open tabs. Options include “Close all but this (Tab)” and “Close all but lists.”

Mileage Calculator

The mileage calculation feature allows a user to calculate a freight charge for an order, based on the mileage between the warehouse it will ship from and the customer’s ship to address on the order. See Mileage Calculator.

From the inventory list, use the “Assembly Items” search bar to bring up any items that have the searched product in their assemblies.

Expand/Shrink Descriptions

If a description in a transaction is too long to be viewed on one line, the expand/shrink description button can be clicked to allow for the whole description to be viewed. Clicking that button again will shrink it back to one line.

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